She's never short on character or power! Elise will celebrate her 16th birthday in June and buck teeth and all - she is still earns everyone's respect! Stop by during open house and visit Elise...we are offering two of her grandaughters in the HARVEST!
Lifetime to date 218, 850
Grand Champion District 6 in 2015
daus: EX-94 EX-93 EX-92 EX-90 & EX- 90
Elise is a 5th generation EX original from an Ito out of the Sierra Vista herd in California. The year I was on the California Convention committee, and we hosted it in the Redwoods. I was doing my part to support the sale, and to my husband's chagrin, I kept raising my hand on a silky black little calf. I figured she had 3 Excellent dams and one was by Ocean View Sexation. I also knew Marvin always liked to buy animals that traced back to Sexation, so I figured no one would be too mad when I came home with this sweet little black calf. Well now when my husband likes to joke that I got "hung" with the calf...I think how lucky we were that day! That calf developed into an EX-92 Gold Medal dam. "Ito Elise" made over 254k lifetime and gave us some great daughters, including a pair of Damions Elise and Eclipse. She is one of my favorites, and the impact this family is making will be respected for years to come.